Monday, February 2, 2009

There are still so many incredible species of frogs out there from which scientists could learn a great deal. The Gastric Brooding Frog (Rheobatrachus silus), for example, was only discovered in 1972. It was a very interesting frog as it would actually brood its young in its stomach. Scientists were particularly interested in this because during the brooding, the stomach did not produce hydrochloric acid - knowledge which could be very usefully applied to medicine if we could learn how it works. Unfortunately, these frogs have completely dissapeared and are now believed to be extinct, so we may never learn its secrets.
Click on its picture to read more about this weird frog.

Yep...that's a baby frog coming out of a tiny mama frogs' mouth.
This species of frog, called the Gastric Brooding Frog, incubates its' young inside it's tummy...then the frogs come hopping out of the mouth when they develop past the tadpole stage. Scientists were most intrigued by how this species manages to "Turn off" production of hydrochloric acid (the digestive juices) when brooding the froglets.
The Gastric Brooding Frog was found in Australia. Sadly, not long after their discovery they dissapeared and are now believed to be extinct.

Also- Yes! That is a thumb you see behind the frog, to show how tiny even the mama is.

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